Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Voxeo script:

Ask Questions:

Find the nearest entrance to your architectural element.

Is the building made of Stone Blocks? Brick? Unknown or space aged material? Wood? Stucco? Glass? (Record response as material.wav, and $material)

What is the point of the building? Is it a Residence? Clothing store? Convenience store? Restaurant? Book Store? Office space? or religious, church related or assistance based? Other?
(Record sound as purpose.wav and $purpose)

Does this building make you feel hungary? depressed? happy? scared? safe? disgusted? energized? confused? (Record sound as emotion.wav and $emotion)

What address number? (record answer as $address)

Add responses to database.

Match responses to others who responded with your material and purpose:

i.e. - pick one entry from database that matched $purpose and $material
Replay: "Other people also found a (brick) (restauraunt). It made them feel (pick first emotion from database that matches.)"
Since you feel (happy) your c is now = (1) and your direction is now (left)
(hungary) (2) (righht)
(depressed) (3)
(scared) (4)
(safe) (5)
(disgusted) (6)
(energized) (7)
(confused) (8)

OR: "Nobody has found this building before. You have discovered a new building material and purpose combination, and your emotional state will have a profound effect on baltitecture players to come."
.walk script (See Social Fiction - Psychogeography and .walk scripts)

// Baltitechture

// Pick an interesting place to start, with a mixture of buildings:
// residential and commercial.
// Starting somewhere in the Mt Vernon area would be a good start.

C = 0
t = 0

Input "Choose one of the following outdoor architectural elements:"
$design = "Bay Window" or "Flat Roof" or "Arched Doorway" or "Modern"

Input "Pick a initial direction, Left or Right"
$direction = "Left" or "Right"

Walking {
While "Walking" {If you meet another group running Baltitecture.walk, then exchange $design variables }

Turn $direction, walk 1 block forward
Turn opposite ($direction), walk 1 block forward

On (This block)
Building = $design
Then call Voxeo, 800.289.5570, enter application #999000xxxx, reply to prompts.
Learn new variables from Voxeo:

C = voxeo(C)
$direction = voxeo($direction)

T = T + 1
If T = 60 Then :End

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